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Watch Hillary Clinton Faint On 9/11

Hillary Clinton took ill at a ceremony honoring Americans killed on 9/11. Her campaign said she was overheated. Footage has emerged.


Hillary Clinton attended a ceremony to pay respects to Americans killed in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. She left the ceremony early after falling ill.

Her press pool reported that they were penned in and forbidden to follow her. Fox News Channel’s Rick Leventhal reported that law enforcement sources reported the Democratic candidate had a medical episode.

“Source tells me Hillary Clinton ‘clearly having some type of medical episode’ & had to be helped into van by her protective detail,” Leventhal tweeted. He added, “MORE ON #HILLARY per witness: ‘unexpected early departure’; she stumbled off curb, ‘knees buckled’, lost a shoe as she was helped into van.”

Twitter user Zdenek Gazda posted footage that matched this description:

Footage from another angle has also emerged:

Her campaign later said that she was overheated and went to rest at her daughter’s apartment. She later came out from the apartment to demonstrate her condition to the media. She did not take questions.